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Wednesday – Third Week after Pentecost

Coram Sanctissimo - 21

Do livro "Spiritual Readings for all days of the year from texts of Saint Alphonsus of Liguori"... TWENTY-FIRST VISIT Wheresoever the body shall b...

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Spiritual Readings

Santo Afonso


Wheresoever the body shall be, thither will the eagles also be gathered together-(Matt. xxiv. 28). The Saints generally understand by this body that of Jesus Christ; and by the eagles, souls who, being detached from creatures, rise above the things of the earth and fly towards heaven, after which they always sigh in thought and affection, and where they constantly dwell. These eagles also find their Paradise on earth wherever they find Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament; so much so, indeed, that they seem never to tire hovering around Him. If eagles, says St. Jerome, on scenting a dead body go afar to seek it, how much more should we run and fly to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, as to the most delicious food of our hearts! Hence the Saints in this valley of tears have always, as parched harts, run to this Fountain of Paradise. Father Balthazar Alvarez, of the Society of Jesus, in whatever occupation he was engaged, used often to cast his eyes towards the place where he knew our Lord was present in the Blessed Sacrament; he ofter visited Him, and even spent entire nights in His presence. He used to weep when he saw the palaces of the great ones of this world filled with people, who paid court to a man from whom they hoped for some miserable earthly good, and the churches so abandoned in which the supreme Sovereign of the world dwells, and remains with us on a throne of love, rich in immense and eternal treasures. He used also to say that Religious were indeed fortunate, because in the very houses in which they reside they can, whenever they please, either night or day, visit this great Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and this lay people cannot do.

Since, then, my most loving Lord, notwithstanding that Thou seest me as a leper, and so ungrateful to Thy love, Thou invitest me to approach Thee, I will not be discouraged at the sight of my miseries: I come and approach Thee; but do Thou wholly change me. Drive from me every love which is not for Thee, every desire which displeases Thee, every thought which does not tend towards Thee. My Jesus, my Love, my Treasure, my All, I am determined to please Thee alone. I will give pleasure only to Thee. Thou alone deservest all my love; Thee only will I love with my whole heart. Detach me from everything, my Lord, and bind me to Thyself alone; but bind me so firmly that I may never more be able to separate myself from Thee, either in this life or in the next.

Ejac. My most sweet Jesus, never allow me to be separated from Thee!


My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I am unable now to receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as already there, and unite myself wholly to Thee; never permit me to be separated from Thee.


Denis the Carthusian called the Most Blessed Virgin “the advocate of all the wicked who have recourse to her.” Since, then, O great Mother of God, thy office is to defend the cause of the most guilty criminals who have recourse to thee, behold me now at thy feet; to thee I have recourse, and I address thee in the words of St. Thomas of Villanova: “Now, therefore, O gracious advocate, fulfil thy charge.” Now quickly enter upon thy office, undertake my cause. It is true that I have indeed been guilty before my Lord, having offended Him, after the many benefits and graces He has conferred upon me; but the evil is done. Thou canst save me. Thou hast only to tell thy God that thou defendest me, and then I shall be forgiven and shall be saved.

Ejac. My dear Mother, thou hast to save me.

Concluding Prayer

Most holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary, to thee, who art the Mother of my Lord, and Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I have recourse today I, who am the most miserable of all. I render thee my most humble homage, O great Queen, and I thank thee for all the graces thou hast conferred on me until now, particularly for having delivered me from hell, which I have so often deserved. I love thee, O most amiable Lady; and for the love which I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always, and to do all in my power to make others love thee also. I place in thee all my hopes; I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant, and receive me under thy mantle, O Mother of Mercy. And since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations, or rather obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Of thee I ask a perfect love of Jesus Christ. From thee I hope to die a good death.

O my Mother, for the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times, but especially at the last moment of my life. Leave me not, I beseech thee, until thou seest me safe in Heaven, blessing thee, and singing thy mercies for all eternity. Amen. So I hope. So may it be.

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Coram Sanctissimo - 20

Tuesday – Third Week After Pentecost