Meditations for Lent from the texts of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Collection of texts from Saint Thomas Aquinas, organized by father Dennis Mezárd in a form of meditation for everyday of the lent.
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Published in Latin under the name "Medulla S. Thomae Aquinatis : per omnes anni liturgici dies distributa seu meditationes ex operibus S. Thomae depromptae" (WorldCat) by father Dennis Mezárd. It is a collection of writings from Saint Thomas Aquinas, neatly organized to be read and meditated on during the tridentine liturgical year.
As it is expected in the texts from the great Saint Thomas Aquinas, the meditations are from a higher theological and philosophical order, exploring a doctrinal perspective of the meditation where one can ponder for hours the implications of such precise explanations as the Saint usually does.
The readings often remind us of the liturgical text of the day. Meditating on this work in the morning, before attending daily Mass, is of great spiritual value.
The Latin Version can be found partially online on and a full version is available on Google Play Store.
The meditations for lent were translated to English by father Philip Hughes and is available online on